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A marriage proposal can be the best or worst moment in a couple's life, depending on which way it goes. There are so many factors going into making the proposal memorable in all the right ways, and it sure can be a lot of pressure on the bride or groom-to-be. It's hard to get right, but in some cases, it can go horribly wrong, so check out our list of worst proposal ideas to know what to avoid before you go through the trouble of renting out the Jumbotron at next year's Superbowl.
On Facebook
If a less tacky thing exists, it would be a miracle. The only thing worse than a vague, passive aggressive Facebook status is a marriage proposal status. Stop the madness.
At a Sporting Event on the Big Screen
An aspiring bride or groom needs a hefty amount of ego to make this move, and the bigger the ego the bigger its implosion if when faced with rejection. One UCLA fan can attest, after his hoped fiancé ran away from him when he popped the question on the Jumbotron.
Inside a Cake
This is a stripper trick, so best to avoid when it comes to the most romantic moment of your lives.
In Front of the Whole Family
It’s best to keep the mother-in-law out of it. Did Everybody Loves Raymond teach us nothing?
Through a Bad Song
If you can't sing, don't sing. And that doesn't mean to try a rap song instead.
Right After Sex
Your parents are going to ask how you got engaged. Just saying.
Via Flashmob
So 2008. The Office’s Jim and Pam taught us the proper way to feel about flashmob weddings by literally skipping theirs, and the same approach should be applied to flashmob proposals.
By Food
Most women would like a man to hand them the ring, instead of chowing down and potentially choking on it.
In a Rented-out Stadium
Just don't.
At a Rodeo
Once again, please don't.
In a Jewelry Store
The only time this ever worked was for Patrick Dempsey in Sweet Home Alabama, and spoiler alert, even he gets dumped.
In Walmart
I mean.
By Faking Your Death
Some guy did a stunt jump to his "death" of a building. This is not the kind of sickness your future vows are referring to. Plus it's 'til death do we part - so you probably don't want to start all the way at the end.
By Tattoo
You do not have to take such drastic measures to propose.
On Live Television
Refer to the Jumbotron scenario. Consider your ego. Really consider it.
On Valentine's Day
Sorry, but you don't get to kill two romantic evenings with one stone. The same rule applies for all major holidays and birthdays.
On an Airplane
If she says no you will literally be trapped in a small vessel in the sky with her.
By Billboard
Because nothing says personal and lasting love like a sign on the side of the road usually reserved for Cracker Barrel restaurants, adult video stores, and activists.
In a Food Court
Would you like fries with that lifelong commitment?
Would you like to supersize that diamond?
Would you like the inevitable divorce for here or to go?